Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You gotta know when to fold 'em

So a friend of mine had an “incident” the other day that I just have to share. So she was wearing one of those jersey dresses that cling to you. So we as women have 3 options when wearing said outfit; a slip – this makes me feel like I’m 80, no panties – hello jiggles, or ridiculously large panties. She chose option 3.
Forgetting that she had done this, she made an appointment for a massage. Once at the place, she undressed and got on the table face down, leaving her unusually large panties on. (It was her first time at this place so she played it safe and kept them on. I would have done the same.)
The masseuse entered and began the massage. As she lay face down on the table beginning to relax, the masseuse turned down the sheet to reveal the panties then said, “I’m just going to fold these down.” Yes, the practical and comfortable choice in panties caused a hindrance to the massage. And worse, the masseuse was a young man in his 20s!!
All I could think while she told this story is the scene in Bridget Jones’s Diary when she wears the big panties then hooks up with Hugh Grant and he says “F*ck me those are enormous panties!” I couldn’t find a clip of that part, but here is the trailer, and the panties make their debut at the 32 second mark.

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