Monday, February 27, 2012

On being 37+ weeks pregnant

I'd like to just catalogue what it's like for me to be this pregnant. Please feel free to share your thoughts.

  • Sleep is difficult these days as I usually get up to pee at least 5-6 times a night and am sleeping with 3 pillows, leaving little room for the husband. 
  • I think my belly button is like 5 seconds away from giving up and popping out.
  • Back pain is a constant.
  • The thought of wearing heels is tempting, but I'm afraid I'll fall from being top heavy.  When I had a pair on the other night, my husband said, "Honey, you're pregnant. You don't need to try that hard."  Bless him for that because my feet would have been so sore by the end of the night. 
  • It's all becoming really real - panic set in when we were on our hospital tour and I say the labor and delivery room. Can I please have a job decorating hospital rooms?  They need help. 
  • The number of people who keep telling me to sleep now because it's all about to change is freaking me out. I hear it at least once a day. 
  • I am SO TIRED of feeling like a whale! Gaining weight and having little control over it is not something anyone can get used to. I find myself grunting more than I'd like to admit, just doing things like getting out of the car and putting my shoes on. 
  • Leggings, 2 pairs of jeans, workout pants, and some black pants are about all I have left.  I've stopped caring that my fat buns are showing from under my cardigans.  Comfort around the tummy has taken precedent. 
  • My hands are swollen, I've moved to a $40 size 7 sterling silver and CZ ring from Macy's as my wedding ring.  I am worried my ring might never fit again; I feel like my knuckle is bigger.  
  • I'm eating ALL THE TIME. Last week I bought a Duncan Hines cake mix and funfetti icing just so I could make it and eat it... and I did.
Good news, the baby is measuring a little small so I don't have to worry about have a big chunk of a thing. She's healthy, just petite. 
Not what my baby will look like at birth. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Just Faux Fun Friday

As you can tell, I love animals. I mean how many of these posts have been funny animal videos?  Since I have more free time on my hands, I have been devouring Animal Cops during the day and have some how convinced myself that that is the job for me -- maybe I've been spending too much time talking to myself, who knows.  Anyway, this video is NOT from Animal Cops, but it has to be one of the cutest damn things I've ever seen.  There is a special by NatGeo that is a few years old called Unlikely Animal Friends.  If you have seen it, I suggest you watch the whole thing but to entice you, here is my favorite pairing - Suriyana and Rosco.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Full Disclosure 5

Well, I'm still here.  We are in the home stretch of this pregnancy with less than 5 weeks to go, unless Justin Bieber decides to come early or late.  Which, by the way, Justin officially has a name.  And she shall be called...

No middle name finalized yet, but since we got to see her at our 3D ultrasound I felt like I could now give her a name. Here she is at 34 weeks.
Super cute, I know. 

We've now completed all our educational classes to prepare for the babes and I have a few things to say about this.  First - what are your thoughts on there being some sort of IQ pre-requisite or nationally enforced test being administered before procreating?
As I see it, couples who desperately want children and decide to adopt have to go through months of home visits, procedures and approvals.  To these wonderful caring people, I say - keep it up, there are far too many children needing loving homes.   Yet others, with the IQs of gibbons are breeding like rabbits and cannot take care of their children.  Hello Jennelle from Teen Mom. 
Bottom line: preparing, caring and providing for a baby requires a lot of time, attention, and financial support.  We have seen some really stupid people at our education classes and it worries me that these people are about to be parents.  You have to take a test to get your drivers license, exams to get high school diploma, earn multiple credits to obtain a college degree, hell you have to provide multiple references and proof of renters insurance to rent an apartment; why can just anyone create another human being?
Second - breastfeeding.  Look, I know the benefits, I've taken the classes and I am really going to give it my best shot because I know the babes will reap all the benefits but on some level I just feel like humans have evolved past this.  The thought of feeding my child like every other mammal on the planet is weird to me.  I hope this will change after she arrives and we are wildly successful at breastfeeding, but until then, I remain skeptical.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Or did I DIM?  Either way, I am very proud with the end result of my crafty mobile creation.  It has inspired me to do more.  The husband way VERY helpful, cutting out a ton of felt circles and using a little math to make sure it hangs perfectly even.  FYI... I thought I would save money by making this myself but no.  It still cost me about the same.  Let me know if you have any questions on how to do it! I based it on this tutorial. Without further delay, here it is!

Please disregard the room decor, we are FAR from complete as the curtains and bedding aren't complete and once we have a name, we'll add something else over the crib.