Monday, February 13, 2012

Full Disclosure 5

Well, I'm still here.  We are in the home stretch of this pregnancy with less than 5 weeks to go, unless Justin Bieber decides to come early or late.  Which, by the way, Justin officially has a name.  And she shall be called...

No middle name finalized yet, but since we got to see her at our 3D ultrasound I felt like I could now give her a name. Here she is at 34 weeks.
Super cute, I know. 

We've now completed all our educational classes to prepare for the babes and I have a few things to say about this.  First - what are your thoughts on there being some sort of IQ pre-requisite or nationally enforced test being administered before procreating?
As I see it, couples who desperately want children and decide to adopt have to go through months of home visits, procedures and approvals.  To these wonderful caring people, I say - keep it up, there are far too many children needing loving homes.   Yet others, with the IQs of gibbons are breeding like rabbits and cannot take care of their children.  Hello Jennelle from Teen Mom. 
Bottom line: preparing, caring and providing for a baby requires a lot of time, attention, and financial support.  We have seen some really stupid people at our education classes and it worries me that these people are about to be parents.  You have to take a test to get your drivers license, exams to get high school diploma, earn multiple credits to obtain a college degree, hell you have to provide multiple references and proof of renters insurance to rent an apartment; why can just anyone create another human being?
Second - breastfeeding.  Look, I know the benefits, I've taken the classes and I am really going to give it my best shot because I know the babes will reap all the benefits but on some level I just feel like humans have evolved past this.  The thought of feeding my child like every other mammal on the planet is weird to me.  I hope this will change after she arrives and we are wildly successful at breastfeeding, but until then, I remain skeptical.


Erin said...

Love the name :) ben and I had the same bunch of weirdos in our class, too. Heaven help their kids.

True Story said...

Good to know we're not alone!! Thanks!