Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Or did I DIM?  Either way, I am very proud with the end result of my crafty mobile creation.  It has inspired me to do more.  The husband way VERY helpful, cutting out a ton of felt circles and using a little math to make sure it hangs perfectly even.  FYI... I thought I would save money by making this myself but no.  It still cost me about the same.  Let me know if you have any questions on how to do it! I based it on this tutorial. Without further delay, here it is!

Please disregard the room decor, we are FAR from complete as the curtains and bedding aren't complete and once we have a name, we'll add something else over the crib.


Ashley said...

this is so cute (as are you)...that i couldn't resist pinning it. think of all the pinterest blog traffic you're going to get! :)

True Story said...

Thanks boo!!