Friday, May 27, 2011

Listen to Your Elders

I got that book Shi*t my Dad Says for my Dad last year.  He loved it.  My mom told me about how he was just sitting there laughing for hours.  I follow him on twitter and love him.  Sometimes I think, "I could start a twitter account for all the things my parents say," but I usually forget all the funny things.  There are a few nuggets I have picked up along the way I have managed to remember.

On self esteem: 
"I used to think everyone was crazy and a little weird, but I have come to realize that I'm the one that's weird and everyone else is kind of boring, and I'm ok with that."

On drinking responsibly:
From a friend's Mom, "I want you girls to be careful tonight. It's important to know your limits when drinking.  For example, I know it's time to stop when I can't feel my lips."

On settling conflict:
My Dad's first response, "What happened? Who hurt you? Do you want me to go kick his a**? Oh, a girl? Do you want me to go kick her a**?

On being a cougar:
My Mom once said to the 14 year old neighbor, "Wow, those are some big guns you got there. Have you been working out?" The best part is she thought this was completely appropriate.

On parking:
"As long as one wheel is in the the line, you're good."

On home improvement:
"If it can't be fixed with WD40, a hammer or duct tape, it's not getting fixed."

I have a feeling this will become a recurring post with new little catch phrases now that i have a good reason to remember them so stay tuned!  I never know what will come out of a visit to my parents house and I can't make this up!

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