Friday, August 26, 2011

Just Faux Fun Friday

We're here again.  That was fast.  The weeks seem to be flying by recently.  I'm excited that I have a birthday coming up... Monday is the day actually.  I share my birthdate with non other than Michael Jackson and Senator John McCain.  Random, I know. Anyway, I am heading into my last year of the 20s.  I haven't freaked out yet, but my 10 year high school reunion is in a few months and I have a feeling that will begin to make the picture more clear that we are actually aging.
Well, it's just faux fun Friday so here it is. Remember when I went to that amazing bakery and bought 4 massive cupcakes for myself? Well, I saved a picture to show you.

Take a look at these kicks!  And you might be thinking, 'Cute kid shoes,' but no.  This was an adult man!!!
Where does one even purchase something like this?  I should ask the Possessionista, since she seems to be able to find everything!


Sara Fried said...

you are a nut!

True Story said...

I'm just observant!