Friday, August 19, 2011

Just Faux Fun Friday

It's Friday again and I am so happy my husband is home for the weekend!  He's been working in London for the past 5 weeks and we have a few more to go before he's back for good, or for a while at least.
Just Faux Fun, why don't you do a little cooking this weekend.  Being partially from the south, I have come to LOVE some of the most unhealthy appetizers and food you can think of.  They may be bad, but they taste so good. If you haven't tried these, I suggest you throw yourself a little party and get to it! 

Captain Rodney's Cheese Dip - This one is relatively new to me and apparently very popular in Mississippi.  Cheese - yum. Bacon - yum. Ritz Crackers - yum.

Bunco Buns - I'm not sure that's what everyone calls these, but ham with melted Swiss cheese on a yummy roll, I suggest using Sister Schubert Yeast rolls = Delicious. 

Cake Batter Pancakes -  I haven't tried these, but they just look amazing. I might make them for myself on my Birthday. Ok, that sounded sad.

Bread Pudding - This has become one of my favorite desserts next to Bananas Foster (which we served at our wedding) and Creme Brulee. 
Now I'm hungry.

1 comment:

Kristie Pichler said...

I suggest you add a little "pow" to your bread pudding with this recipe. Nothing screams Southern-style baking than by adding some Krispy Kremes to your dish! POW!! Enjoy!