Monday, August 22, 2011

A Homeless Update

Remember this post about the homeless man that lived in our parking lot? I said I wondered where our homeless friend was now that we are no longer in the building.  Well, fear not. I have made contact.  I was going to dinner with my Mom last weekend at a restaurant near my old office building when I hear someone yell, "I think your hair is pretty!"  I turn around and there he is, lounging on a park bench.  I realize he really is talking to me and say or yell, "Thank you." Then he cupped his hands, yelled, "Your Welcome" and we went our separate ways. 
What I haven't told you is when we were in the old building and I would pass him on my way to Starbucks in the morning, he would tell me that exact same thing!  I now wonder if he actually recognized me or if he just really has a thing for hair.

So I googled "Pretty Hair" just to see what images show up and here's what I found.  Silly interwebs.

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