Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Someone Found the Interwebs

My mom has recently become quite tech-savvy.  Her car has bluetooth so she can chat hands-free, she's up and running on Facebook, as I mentioned in a previous post, and she now loves the camera setting in her phone.  Here are some pictures she's sent me recently.
Here she's bragging about how good her toes look after a pedicure.  I believe she refers to the as "happy feet!"
Staying on the topic of feet, she sent me this funny photo, saying apparently this lady thought she was a size 6, but is clearly not since her toes are hanging over.
Here she seems convinced she found Jerry Garcia's long lost daughter.  To be honest, I was just impressed she knew Jerry Garcia, but I suspect it's because we love Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia.

As tech savvy as she has become, she can still do silly things like leave her phone on the hood of the car, leave the house, and make a phone call while driving.  She lost that phone completely - found it crushed on the side of the road a few hours later.  But what I really love that even though we live so far away, she can keep me updated with what's going on in her life and share the funny things she sees.

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