Monday, July 18, 2011

Typical Travel

So I went out of town last week.  There's an airport one metro stop from me, but the plane tickets were $250 more there than the airport 45 minutes away.  So I chose the later, which meant waking up at 5 am and driving to the airport, parking, then taking a bus to the terminal.
Needless to say, I was a little tired when I got to the airport.  I parked my car, took the banana peel from the banana I had eaten earlier, extra trash, my suitcase and I was on my way.  I got down to where I had to wait for the bus and go to grab my parking ticket so I could write down where I parked and I couldn't find it.  I JUST had it in my hand when I was parking. Where could it have gone?
Since I wasn't running terribly late, and I didn't seen the bus, I went back up to my car to look for the parking ticket.  I looked in the car, in my purse again, under the car, but no ticket.  Then I looked toward the elevator and saw this.
 SHoooooootttttt... I totally threw the ticket away with the banana peel and other car trash.  So there I was, shoulder deep, rifling through the trash, looking for my ticket.  I touched the banana peel and something else kind-of wet before grabbing a handful of trash that included my ticket.  With ticket in hand, I went back down to the bus stop, without being able to wash my hands... gross.  I held that one hand out the entire way to the airport terminal until I was able to get to a bathroom.

Just a typical event when traveling with me.

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