Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Co-Workers -Part II

Previously, I talked about Blue Jai.  Today is about "Geo, The magician,"  or Geoffrey.  Based on his name I'm sure you can tell what he was into.  Apparently at office socials he would meander around doing magic tricks for people, then ask for money.  So... he was panhandling at work functions.  (Is that the right word?)
We used to have to play Dirty Santa at our holiday party, which really makes for a whole lot of awkwardness for like 2 hours since it's 30+people playing and we have to watch each person open the gift.  Think The Office's "Dirty Santa episode"  X10.  Each gift had to have a value of $10 or less.  I always choose whatever looks like a gift card.  You can't loose with one of those, right? I also GIVE a gift card, so I pretty much breakeven.  Well, one year Geo decided to go the home-made gift route and brought in a HUGE black trash bag and plopped it in the middle of the gifts.  So what was in the bag? 
This is no Geo. 
Balloon Animals. It was a bag full of balloon animals.  Some people I just don't understand.

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