Wednesday, April 4, 2012

She's Here!

We're alive and Vivian is here.  Actually, she's been hanging out with us in the real world since March 4.  Arriving 12 days early, Miss Viv entered the world tipping the scales at a whopping 5 pounds, 9 ounces and 18" long.  The delivery itself went pretty well despite some drops in her heart rate and several threats of a C-section.  She is beautiful and I am more in love with her than I ever thought I could be and all those cliche things you hear new Moms say.  They're true.  This blog is about truth... I can't make this stuff up.  So with that I'd like to give you the real truth - in bullet points because Vivian is getting restless - about delivery and life after.

  • Within 5 minutes of checking in, all modesty goes out the window.  After getting in my gown and attached to the monitors, I had to walk to the bathroom with my ass hanging out.
  • The hospital staff was great, but as soon as Vivian arrived, I felt like I was man-handled.
  • I threw-up and passed out after my first trip to the bathroom. Lovely.
  • No one prepared me for the sheer amount of blood there would be in the days following the birth. It's like a waterfall ya'll. Thank you hospital for the biggest pads I've ever seen.  They were necessary and greatly appreciated.
  • Hospital underwear is the best, most comfortable ever.  I may have taken 10 pairs home.
  • Since returning home, personal hygiene has taken a backseat. I'm lucky to brush my teeth most days.  It's all about the baby. 
  • Life revoles around Vivian's feeding and pooping schedule. The most common sentences are, When did she eat last? and Did she poop today? 

I haven't been on my own yet, since my Mom is still in town, so I am petrified about when she leaves how I will handle all the night feedings on my own.   I'll let you know how it goes, but it might be a while before I can post again.  Not that I'm not still stalking others blogs whether I know them or not.

I leave you with some pictures of cuteness that is my baby.


A Wedding Story said...

Congratulations, she's beautiful! And everything you pointed out about labor and afterwards are all TRUE and no one tells you about them beforehand. I wish that the doctor had said DON'T LOOK when I indeed looked and saw her yanking my placenta out. Ewww.

True Story said...

Thank you! we think she's pretty darn cute! Oh dear, I am glad I didn't see that, I repetedly told my husband, Don't Look, Don't look. So thankfully neither of us say anything!