Friday, October 14, 2011

Just Faux Fun Friday

Hey All!  Happy Friday!  I am currently in Seaside, FL with my family enjoying the beach, the sun, and those all important family photo shoots.  I suggested we wear airbrushed t-shirts, my Mom overruled, demanding denim and white. At18 weeks pregnant, I'll look fat either way. I just wanted to get a great Holiday Card in an airbrushed t-shirt that said "Knocked-up."

As I've mentioned before I LOVE animals.  I am on my second year of the CuteOverload  daily calendar so my office space has become a mecca to adorable pets... it's a little sad.  Well, I found this awesome post on 20 Ridiculous Cat Names.

Admiral Snuggles is now posted on my whiteboard, watching my every move and constantly judging.
I secretly posted Butt Nugget on the back of a co-workers door.  When the CEO came in for an important chat and closed the door, that's when he saw it.  Thankfully, the CEO didn't.

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