Monday, January 7, 2013

Isn't it funny

Isn't it funny that once you start paying attention to the things around you, you see the funniest, oddest, silliest things?  The past few days I've been seeing this.

I saw this lovely bumper sticker in the parking lot of my local Recreation Center.

Obviously I saw this while driving.

It says Trucking for Jesus.

I saw The Dude at my doctor's office where you check in. You just can't take a doctor seriously once you see this and I find that comforting. He's a real person who has a sense of humor just like you.

This is the speed limit in my neighborhood. And believe me, they take this seriously.

Yesterday I was driving over some speed bumps and there was a sign that they were Speed Tables.

And because I can't resist.  Here's Vivian stuck under her toy basket. She's the little spot of red.

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