Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Some people...

Some people are gullible, or trustful.  In high school, a friend was convinced by some of the guys that Stop signs with a white border are optional. Bless, her, she's grown up and is one of the best people I know.
See the issue with this?
Some people are talented.  One of my best friends can not only sing, dance and act, but she is incredibly clever, always making up songs, poems and writing her own shows. I wish I had an ounce of her talent in some capacity.
Some people will change the world.  I think these people are few and far between.  I know one of these people and consider myself so incredibly lucky. I can't wait to see where he is in 20 years and what change he will bring.
Some people are famous.  I've always thought there was an aura about famous people, but the older I get the more I realize they are just normal people.

Then there's the bitch that sat near me on the plane back from Nashville.  We were traveling with the baby, which in and of itself is stressful.  Will she sleep through the flight? Will she cry? How will I keep her busy?  Is this going to mess up her nap?  What if she poops?
Well, this lady took one look at Vivian and me and said, "Shit" as she took her seat.  I am telling you I've never been so close to giving her a bitch slap. (I'm not sure what a 'bitch slap' is, but my Mama Bear sure came close to baring her teeth. No pun intended.)

What can we do about these people?  Is a confrontation necessary?  Was she just having a bad day?  Are all people really capable of being inherently good?  Thoughts?

The reason for this post?  It's late, I can't sleep, and I can't stop thinking about that woman being so negative!!  FYI... our Vivian was an angel.  She slept over half the flight and didn't make a peep.

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